Unleash innovation with people-centric planning

people-centric planning PPM/SPM Clarity

Did you know?

Improve Self-Service Icon

67% of organisations struggle to align projects with strategic objectives.

Project Portfolio Management & Agile Icon

82% of executives believe their organisations project management approach is not agile enough.

Continuous Testing Icon

Companies lose $109 million for every $1 billion invested due to poor project performance.

According to Gartner, “70% of digital investments will fail to deliver the expected business outcomes due to the absence of a strategic portfolio management approach.”

Despite advancements in technology and methodologies, many organisations are still bogged down by siloed teams, conflicting priorities and outdated planning processes holding organisations back, stifling creativity and hampering progress.
This leads to wasted resources, missed opportunities, and frustration among stakeholders.

In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, innovation is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity. Yet, traditional project management approaches are holding organisations back, stifling creativity and hampering progress.

Accelerate Growth

Increase revenue by 23% through better project alignment with strategic goals.

Boost Productivity

Reduce project delays by 35% with streamlined planning and execution.

Enhance Collaboration

Improve team satisfaction by 40% with a unified approach to portfolio management.

People-Centric Strategic Portfolio Management – eBook

In the evolving realm of technology funding and planning, a fundamental shift is underway. It’s time to move beyond funding individual projects to investing in value-delivering teams—a concept known as people-centric planning.

Discover why it’s crucial, explore three key steps for success and find guidance on where to begin this transformative journey.

A modern approach to Strategic Portfolio Management – Whitepaper

Technology planning and funding continues to look very much like it did 10 or even 20 years ago. These legacy approaches continue to place a strain on businesses, creating inefficiency and waste and stifling agility.

This whitepaper describes why legacy approaches are so problematic for modern organisations, and it reveals how people-centric planning approaches can help. Continue reading to learn more about this approach and how it can benefit your organisation.

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