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Are wasted resources and missed opportunities frustrating your stakeholders?
In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, innovation is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity. Yet, traditional project management approaches are holding organisations back, stifling creativity and hampering progress.
According to Gartner, “70% of digital investments will fail to deliver the expected business outcomes due to the absence of a strategic portfolio management approach.”
Despite advancements in technology and methodologies, many organisations still experience the adverse effects of siloed teams, conflicting priorities and outdated planning processes.
The solution: People-centric planning
Empower your teams and drive growth with people-centric planning.
People-centric planning lets your organisation shift from funding work to funding people. Instead of shipping a new product or service and calling it done, a people-centric approach paves the way for continuous development and improvement, so you can respond faster to market changes and new technologies than your competitors.
The result? Your teams have access to the right data, your teams are aligned to a common strategy and goal, and efficiency is optimised as wasted work and conversations are eliminated.
People-Centric Strategic Portfolio Management – eBook
In the evolving realm of technology funding and planning, a fundamental shift is underway. It’s time to move beyond funding individual projects to investing in value-delivering teams—a concept known as people-centric planning.
Discover why it’s crucial, explore three key steps for success and find guidance on where to begin this transformative journey.
How people-centric planning can help you
Team funding
By organising around value streams, products and people, you can avoid the annual innovation hurdle. Instead of having committees review and sign-off new funding every year, you can continuously fund a value stream.
The benefits of funding in this way ensure that products can benefit from continuous development that aligns with your business goals. You pave the way for less stagnation, as funding is no longer assigned on a project-by-project basis.
Team organisation
Rather than organising teams around siloed departments, you can organise and assign human resources to product value streams.
Instead of focusing on work and specific, granular requirements, the people-centric approach gives people the key metrics they need and offers autonomy to determine the best way to achieve those metrics.
Move away from managing projects and start managing products with value-driven outcomes.
Team focus and goals
You can also ensure teams work towards the same value-driven criteria, ensuring everyone synergises toward the same goal and objective. You’ll also get one set of value metrics across all your teams to track value.
Make sure all your teams, including IT and deliverable teams, know and understand your business metrics.
By facilitating improved visibility and insights, you can empower people throughout your organisation to make better decisions that contribute to the results you want to achieve.
Benefits you’ll get

Accelerate Growth
Increase revenue by 23% through better project alignment with strategic goals.

Boost Productivity
Reduce project delays by 35% with streamlined planning and execution.

Enhance Collaboration
Improve team satisfaction by 40% with a unified approach to portfolio management.
Contact us about our services
Get in touch with the team at Ignite. As integration specialists for a range of market-leading people-centric planning solutions, we can help you find the right software for your business maturity level.
We can also reduce your time to implementation. Instead of spending hours of time and using internal resources, we can get you set up and fully integrated, potentially within weeks.
Complete the contact form, and one of our specialists will be in touch to organise an initial consultation.
Frequently asked questions
A modern approach to strategic portfolio management, the people-centric approach gives people who manage projects more autonomy. It also prioritises connection and collaboration across your organisation.
People-centric planning connects business and IT staff through value streams that establish shared goals. How does this manifest into an actionable management approach? The trick is to strike the right balance between business and technical priorities or challenges. Establishing percentages of work can help strike a balance.
As a real-life example, Tyson, a leading processor of chicken, beef and pork in the US, leveraged value streams to create a portfolio-based management approach. They created a Technology Council with leaders from every business area, which improved communication and reduced silos. Through the software, they were able to ensure that all work contributed to the OKRs and KPIs. All work completed by people could be assigned to a value stream, with easy-to-track data on how that contributed to the overall business goals.